- CAAM 520 Computational Science II, Rice University (Spring 2016 and Spring 2017)
- CAAM 519 Computational Science I, Rice University (Fall 2015 and Fall 2016)
- Numerical Analysis, with Prof. Ahmed H. Sameh, Purdue University (1999)
- Guest Lecturer, AMCS 4302, Parallel Scientific Computing, Columbia University (2006)
- 2 Week Short Course on Scientific Computing
- Graduate University, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, (2010)
- Graduate University, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, (2009)
- 1 Week Crustal Deformation Modeling Tutorial
- 1 Week PETSc Short Course
- Maison de la Simulation, Orsay, France (2013)
- EuropeAid Scientific Computing Advanced Training, Valparaiso, Chile (2007)
- Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, ID (2005)
- Parallel CFD 2004, Gran Canaria (2004)
- 1 Week GPU Computing Course
- 8 single day PETSc tutorials, and 9 half day tutorials
- 1 single day Python HPC tutorial
Postdoctoral Researchers
- Justin Chang, Rice University (2017-)
- Tobin Isaac, University of Chicago and Rice University (2015-2017), now at Georgia Institute of Technology
Graduate Students
- Ph.D. Students
- Maurice Fabien (with Beatrice Riviere), Rice Unviersity, expected 2019
- Tom Klotz, Rice Unviersity Ph.D., expected 2019
- Jeremy Tillay, Rice Unviersity Ph.D., expected 2020
- Andy Terrel (with Prof. L. Ridgway Scott), University of Chicago Ph.D. 2010,
Finite Element Method Automation for Non-Newtonian Fluid Models
- Peter Brune (with Prof. L. Ridgway Scott), University of Chicago Ph.D. 2011,
Fast Numerical Methods and Biological Problems
- M.S. Students
- Eric Buras, Rice Unviersity M.S., expected 2016
- Jingchen Ye, Rice Unviersity M.S., expected 2017
- Undergraduate Students
- David Clark, Rice Unviersity, 2016
- Victor Gonzalez, Rice Unviersity, 2016
- On Committee
- Hannha Morgan, Ph.D., Computer Science, University of Chicago expected 2020
- Xiaodi Deng, Ph.D., Computational and Applied Mathematics, Rice University expected 2018
- Kirstie Haynie, University of Houston Ph.D. expected 2018
- Justin Chang, Ph.D., Civil Engineering, University of Houston expected 2018
- Bryan Doyle, M.S., Computational and Applied Mathematics, Rice University expected 2017
- John Gomez, M.S., Applied Physics, Rice University expected 2017
- Caleb Magruder, Ph.d., Computational and Applied Mathematics, Rice University expected 2017
- Arturo Vargas, Ph.d., Computational and Applied Mathematics, Rice University expected 2017
- Chen Liu, M.S., Computational and Applied Mathematics, Rice University 2016
- Rujeko Chinomona, M.S., Computational and Applied Mathematics, Rice University 2016
- Frankie Camacho, M.S., Computational and Applied Mathematics, Rice University 2016
- Sri Raj Paul, M.S., Computer Science, Rice University 2015
- Hannah Morgan, M.S., Computer Science, University of Chicago 2015,
Parallel solutions to the KdV and BBM equations
- Jon Riehl, Ph.D., Computer Science, University of Chicago 2008,
Reflective Techniques in Extensible Languages
Summer Graduate Students
Undergraduate Students
- David Clark (2016-)
- Victor Gonzalez (2016)
- Ian Alevy, Probablistic Performance Modeling (2012)
- Seth Davidovitz, Ion Channel Modeling (2010)