Research Group
Graduate Students
Undergraduate Students
- Amy Danjul
- Kathryn Hu
- Connor Spears
- Daniel Stulski
I am always looking for excellent, motivated students to work with.
Graduate Students:
In the Department of Computational Applied Mathematics and Operations Research
we admit graduate students into the department (not into individual research
groups). CMOR graduate studies start in the fall semester.
Please visit
CMOR Graduate Programs and
CMOR Graduate Admission for more information about
our programs, the application process, and application deadlines.
Undergraduate Students:
I always have interesting undergraduate research projects.
These projects typically require a solid
understanding of the material taught in CMOR 302/303, CMOR 304, and CMOR 360.
Graduate Students
- Alejandro Diaz (2021 National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship; 2021 Honorable Mention NSF Graduate Research Fellowship)
MA, Computational and Applied Mathematics, Rice University, November 2021.
Limits of the Quadratic-Bilinear Loewner Framework Applied to Burgers' Equation.
PhD, Computational Applied Mathematics and Operations Research, Rice University, May 2024.
Domain decomposition-based reduced-order models using nonlinear-manifolds and interpolatory projections.
Position after graduation: S. Scott Collis Fellowship in Data Science at Sandia National Laboratories.
- Nathaniel J. Kroeger (2019 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship)
PhD, Computational and Applied Mathematics, Rice University, August 2023.
Title: ADMM and Diagonalization Based Parallel-in-Time Methods for Optimal Control Problems.
Position after graduation: Postdoc, Biostatistics for Cancer Research, Department of Statistics, Rice University.
- Mae Markowski (2019 Honorable Mention NSF Graduate Research Fellowship)
PhD, Computational and Applied Mathematics, Rice University, August 2022.
Efficient Solution of Smoothed Risk-Averse PDE-Constrained Optimization Problems.
Position after graduation: Mathworks.
- Shengchao Lin
PhD, Computational and Applied Mathematics, Rice University, May 2022.
Multilevel-in-Time Methods for Optimal Control of PDEs and
Training of Recurrent Neural Networks.
Position after graduation: Mathworks.
- Peter Geldermans
(2017 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship)
MA, Computational and Applied Mathematics,
Rice University, November 2017. Jointly supervised with Prof. Adrianna Gillman.
Title: Extending the Hierarchical
Poincaré-Steklov Method to the Optimization Setting.
Position after graduation: Continued in PhD program, working with Prof. Gillman.
- Timur Takhtaganov
PhD, Computational and Applied Mathematics,
Rice University, August 2017.
Title: Efficient Estimation of Coherent Risk Measures for
Risk-Averse Optimization Problems Governed by Partial Differential Equations with Random Inputs.
Position after graduation: Postdoc Rice University;
Computational Research Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
- Xiaodi Deng
PhD, Computational and Applied Mathematics,
Rice University, May 2017.
Title: A Parallel-In-Time Gradient-Type Method for Optimal Control Problems.
Position after graduation: Quantlab.
- Caleb Magruder
PhD, Computational and Applied Mathematics,
Rice University, May 2017.
Title: Projection-Based Model Reduction in the Context of
Optimization with Implicit PDE Constraints.
Position after graduation: Norbert Wiener Assistant Professor, Department of
Mathematics at Tufts University,
then at MathWorks.
- Jedidiah (Jed) Gohlke
MA, Computational and Applied Mathematics,
Rice University, December 2013.
Reduced Order Modeling for Optimization of Large Scale Dynamical Systems.
Position after graduation: Palantir.
Drew Kouri
PhD, Computational and Applied Mathematics,
Rice University, May 2012.
An Approach for the Adaptive Solution of Optimization Problems
Governed by Partial Differential Equations with Uncertain Coefficients.
Position after graduation:
Wilkinson Fellow, Argonne National Laboratory, IL;
Principal Member of the Technical Staff at Sandia National Laboratories, NM.
- Millie Mays
MA, Computational and Applied Mathematics,
Rice University, May 2012.
Discrete Search Optimization for Real-Time Path Planning in Satellites.
Position after graduation: Officer in the US AirForce.
- Sean Hardesty
PhD, Computational and Applied Mathematics,
Rice University, May 2010.
Optimization of Shell Structure Acoustics.
Position after graduation:
PostDoc Rice University; Z-Terra Inc. Houston.
Sean's research on computational modeling and optimization of violins
is the described in a Rice News article and the associated
turning math into music video.
- Klaus Wiegand
MA, Computational and Applied Mathematics,
Rice University, May 2010.
A Numerical Study of an Adjoint Based Method for Reservoir Optimization.
Position after graduation:
ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company, Houston
- Eelco Nederkoorn
MA, Computational and Applied Mathematics,
Rice University, May 2010.
Adaptive Finite Element Methods for Linear-Quadratic Convection
Dominated Elliptic Optimal Control Problems.
Available as CAAM Technical Report, TR 09-27.
Position after graduation:
DotX, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- Jonah Reeger
MA, Computational and Applied Mathematics,
Rice University, May 2009.
A Comparison of Transcription Techniques for the
Optimal Control of the International Space Station.
Position after graduation: Officer in the US AirForce.
- Kary Green
MA, Computational and Applied Mathematics,
Rice University, August 2006.
Optimal Sensor Placement for Parameter Identification.
Position after graduation:
Petroleum Geo-Services. Houston, TX.
- Patricia Howard
MA, Computational and Applied Mathematics,
Rice University, August 2006.
Multigrid Methods for Elliptic Optimal Control Problems.
Available as CAAM Technical Report, TR 06-14.
Position after graduation:
Areté Associates, CA.
- Denis Ridzal
PhD, Computational and Applied Mathematics,
Rice University, April 2006.
Trust-Region SQP Methods with Inexact Linear System Solves for
Large-Scale Optimization.
Available as CAAM Technical Report, TR 06-02.
Position after graduation:
von Neumann Fellow, Sandia National Laboratories, NM;
Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff at Sandia National
Laboratories, NM.
- Agata Comas
PhD, Computational and Applied Mathematics,
Rice University, December 2005.
Time-Domain Decomposition Preconditioners for the Solution
of Discretized Parabolic Optimal Control Problems.
Available as CAAM Technical Report, TR 06-01.
Position after graduation:
Veritas DSG Inc., Houston.
- Hoang Q. Nguyen
PhD, Computational and Applied Mathematics,
Rice University, August 2004.
Domain Decomposition Methods for Linear-Quadratic
Elliptic Optimal Control Problems.
Available as CAAM Technical Report, TR04-16.
Position after graduation:
Software Development, Biostatistics and Applied Mathematics
Department, MD Anderson, Houston.
- Zhen Wang
PhD, Computational and Applied Mathematics,
Rice University, December 2003.
A Generalized Trust Region SQP Algorithm for
Equality Constrained Optimization.
Available as CAAM Technical Report, TR03-18.
Position after graduation: Assistant Professor of
Mathematics at the Beijing University Of Technology.
- Jesse A. Pietz
MA, Computational and Applied Mathematics,
Rice University, May 2003.
Pseudospectral Collocation Methods for the Direct Transcription of
Optimal Control Problems.
Available as CAAM Technical Report, TR03-10.
Position after graduation: Officer in the US AirForce.
- Jiaxing Liang (July 2024 - )
- Timur Takhtaganov (Oct 2017 - Dec. 2017)
Position after postdoc:
Computational Research Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
- Sean Hardesty (June 2010 - Dec. 2012)
Sean's research on computational modeling and optimization of violins
is the described in the recent Rice News article
turning math into music and video.
Position after postdoc: Z-Terra, Houston.
- Harbir Antil (Jan. 2010 - Dec. 2010)
Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, George Mason University.
- Dmitriy Leykekhman ( Aug. 2005 - July 2007; Pfeiffer-VIGRE Post-Doctoral Associate)
Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Connecticut.
- Kaveh Ghayour (Spring 2000 - Summer 2002, jointly with S. S. Collis)
Position after postdoc: US Filter.
- Mary Beth Hribar ((Fall 1997 - Summer 1998, jointly with J. E. Dennis)
Position after postdoc: Cray Inc
Undergraduate Students
- Cade Ballew, Ricky Morse (Spring 2019--Summer 2020;
both worked on
parameter identification problems in time dependent Pinsky-Rinzel model).
Alex Bluestein, Mark Kessler
(Spring 2019--Summer 2020; both worked on model reduction of time dependent partial differential equations).
- Takuya Kurihana University of Tsukuba, Japan (summer 2016)
through the 2016 Nakatani RIES Fellowship
for Japanese students. After completing his BS (Meteorology) at the University of
Tsukuba, Japan, Takuya joined the PhD program in the Department of Computer Science
at the University of Chicago.
- Xianda Rui (summer 2013).
After completing his undergraduate degree at Rice U., Xianda joined
Columbia University, NY, where he earned a Master's Degree in Financial Engineering.
- Tianlai Lu (summer 2006, supported through an NSF REU grant).
Tianlai completed his undergraduate degree at Rice U. and began his
career in industry.
- Faisal Amlani (summer 2005, supported through an NSF REU grant).
After finishing his undergraduate degree, Faisal Amlani
joined the PhD program in Applied Mathematics at CalTech.
- James R. Noll (summer 2002,
supported from a Brown Undergraduate Research Grant, Rice U.).
After finishing his undergraduate degree, James Noll
joined the Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio.
- Scott Harrison (summer 1999, supported by the
W. M. Keck Center for Computational & Structural Biology).
After finishing his undergraduate degree, Scott Harrison
pursued his PhD in Chemical Engineering at the
University of Texas, Austin.
Past long term visitors included
Lilian Caroline Kramer Biasi (UNICAMP),
Prof. Dr.
Michael Herty,
Dr. Helke Karen Hesse (IWR, Uni.Heidelberg),
Prof. Dr.
Michael Hintermüller,
Dr. Dörte Jando (née Beigel) (IWR, Uni.Heidelberg),
Prof. Dr.
Florian Jarre,
Andreas Potschka,
Prof. Dr.
Timo Reis,
Prof. Dr.
Michael Ulbrich,
Prof. Dr.
Stefan Ulbrich,
Prof. Dr.
Luís Nunes Vicente,
Heiko Weichelt.